SBAAA Member Savings Network: Travel | Cell Phones | Health Insurance | Computers
The SBAAA is the #1 provider of automobile related information and services in the small business market. We contact over 3.5 million small businesses in 364 metro markets each month throughout America. Every month, our targeted direct marketing programs and outbound call centers reach over 10,000 established small businesses and their employees within each metro market area.
Our aggressive marketing program keeps the SBAAA member benefit message in front of business owners and their employees. Our members know we deliver time and money saving products and services for their exclusive benefit. Our auto dealer members know when a SBAAA member contacts them about a new or used vehicle, they are ready to buy. The SBAAA is firmly established as the nation's leading automobile association exclusively serving the needs of America's 26 million small businesses.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) defines a "small business" to have 1500 or fewer employees and less than $32 million in sales. SBAAA member businesses extend from the single person home office to large medical practices, to construction companies, to law firms, and even to other national associations.
The number of new businesses created every day is staggering. There are currently over 26 million small businesses in America and that number is growing every day. Small businesses account for more new jobs than any other sector of the American economy. Small businesses and their employees purchase more cars, vans, trucks, and SUVs than any other business segment in America.
Traditional advertising’s role in automotive marketing continues to shrink. At most, only 12% of new car buyers say traditional media played a role in their final decision - compare that to 27% who say third party websites played a role:
Media Importance in Final Vehicle Selection*
Third Party Websites
*Source: J.D. Power & Associates, September 2005 New StudySM.
Where the Top 100 e-Dealers Get Their Leads Third Party Sites 53% OEM Sites 32% Dealership Sites 15% Source: Ward's Dealers Business, April 2005.
Where the Top 100 e-Dealers
Get Their Leads
Third Party Sites
OEM Sites
Dealership Sites
Source: Ward's Dealers Business, April 2005.
As a franchised dealer you already understand the potential. Automobile manufacturers and their franchised dealer networks nationwide understand the value of selling to this profitable business market sector. The SBAAA can help you to inexpensively reach this profitable market. Small business owners and their employees represent one of the most profitable and underserved automotive market sectors in the American economy.
Selling to the small business market can be time consuming, expensive, frustrating, and very difficult. The simple goal is to get in front of a small business owner or one of their employees when they are actually ready to buy a vehicle. Seems simple, but is it?
Traditional dealership methods include having a salaried or commissioned employee contact area businesses in person, by phone, by direct mail, and (when legal) by email. Add the additional costs of:
and all of the above doesn't include the fixed expenses you already have. You're spending a lot of money, but what about results?
All of the above prospecting/sales methods have a marginal success ratio. Why?
It's virtually impossible for any dealership salesperson to be in the right place at exactly the right time.
To make money in the small business market you must be available and ready exactly when a purchase is being considered. That means continuous, effective contact with every small business in your market area.
The very best salespeople have a hard time staying in personal contact with 300 or more active customers and future prospects. The fact is
If sales do pick up because of their personal prospecting and your current advertising, all outbound prospecting stops as the salesperson's time is now used to close each sale. Worst of all, if sales aren't made after all of the above time and expense, the salesperson quits or is fired and the process starts all over again. Does this sound familiar to you?
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